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Welcome :3

Friday, 16 December 2011


Just wanna talk about the diet im going on. My weight was once 90 Ibs , and had gone up to 110. This is just ridiculous! So I started to control my meal and had my calories intake under 1200. I have been going on diet for 1month and now my new weight is 107 Ibs. :D still a long way to get back to my weight before, but yea, the diet plan is working!!! Omg:3 btw, I'm trying to lose muscles, I feel like I have too much muscles stuck on my legs. I don't think they are fat, cas its so tight and yea, a girl legs shouldn't be muscular , right?! :c
Tips for loss weight:
1) lower calories intake
2) exercise at least once a week, swimming is the best cas it won't give u those ugly manly muscular legs
3) fruits for snack, get rid of chips
4) eat more for breakfast, less for dinner
5) less protein intake can reduce muscles, but doesn't mean that not to eat meat
6) try to avoid sugary food, cas it makes u wanna eat more, which is something u don't wanna happen.
7) diet is a long term plan, a few weeks won't give u a dramatic change. Even ur weight drop, u still have to go on, , otherwise ur gonna get even fatter than before.

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