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Thursday, 2 February 2012

Strawberry filled Cream puffs

This was not my first time making cream puffs, but it's the first time to make such a sexy cream puff that looks just like the one in a bakery shop. To achieve such a perfect looking cream puff, all you need is patient and not tired of washing dishes. Here is the rough timeline:
1) cream puff
-15mins preparing the batter
-30mins baking per batch
-10mins cooling

2) custard (depends on how are you gonna make it, I only used instant custard powder and all I need is to microwave it)
-5mins making
-30mins chilling in the fridge

3) whipping cream
-3mins whipping with electric mixer

4) strawberries (optional)
-3mins washing and slicing

5) Washing dishes
-30mins or above

So, basically this little cream puff took me the whole afternoon and yea.. So .. Really time consuming

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