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Monday, 9 July 2012

Spiced Banana Muffin

You would never get tired of banana muffin, like seriously, never ever! They are just simply delicious and can make endless variation. This time, added some spices to give it an extra kick.

Spiced Banana Muffin Recipe
(make 6 medium sized muffin)
90g flour
35g brown sugar
25g sugar
1 1/2tsp baking powder
1tsp cinnamon
1/4tsp nutmeg
1ripe big banana , mashed
1/4cup oil
1/4cup milk
Crushed corn flakes for topping (optional)
1) preheat oven to 350F. Mix together dry and wet ingredients in two separate bowls. Add the wet to the dry and stir until they just combined.
2) pour batter into baking cups, top with the crushed cereal, bake for 20-25mins.
*mine took exactly 20mins.
*muffin was good in terms of the texture but it was a bit bitter in taste since I accidentally put 1/2tsp nutmeg instead of 1/4tsp -.- too careless .. So don't be dumb as me and make stupid mistakes!:(

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